.Before exchanging perfect money to bitcoin there is some tips that you should pay attention to it

.First you must have bitcoin and perfect money account. you mayt sing up in farhadexchange.net . If you haven’t signed up yet click here to see how to sing up in farhadexchange

To open PerFectMoney account please visit:


To open BitCoin account please visit:



Registration is not needed if you want to exchange Bitcoin to PerfectMoney or PerfectMoney to Bitcoin. However if you want a history of your transactions on our website, you should register and login


After you pay perfectmoney successfully bitcoin is sent to your wallet  instantly


After login,go to home page from above toolbar of site and choose Perfectmoney as spend and bitcoin as receive and then enter the email and your bitcoin account like that

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After clicking “proceed” you will go to the next page,in this page if you sure of amount that you entered, enter the captcha code and agree with” the User Agreement“,after all click confirm as the following picture:

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Now you have placed the Order

***Remember note your order Reference number***


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In this page you can see farhadexchange.net perfect money account number and the amount of your transaction without commission of perfectmoney if you don’t have any problem click “make payment” to go to the next page


Here you should enter your perfectmoney account Member ID and password and Turing Number like this


 If you enter your member ID and password and code correct,now you can see final amount of your order that will deficit from your perfectmoney account.

If everything seems right click confirm payment


If your payment is successful you will be redirected to our website, that means your order has been successfully done! ! and you can use your bitcoins in your wallet NOW!

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